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Showing posts with label where to buy maxgxl in the philippines. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Amazing Testimony From A CKD Survivor - A MaxGXL Testimony!!


BEFORE in 2021

NOW in 2023!

CKD5 Patient (Kidney Failure) Before & after taking MaxGXL for 3months 2023❤️✨
Looking Back and Moving Forward"
Year 2021-2023
“When I look back at the images of myself, when I was in my hospital bed, I can see how ill I was. This 2021 picture reminds me of the battles and struggles I went through because of this fatal disease (CKD). Thinking back, I remembered that during this time I was so depressed and suicidal too. I cannot comprehend the sufferings I was going through. It was I guess my "rock bottom". During this moment, it felt like time was moving so slow, I didn't know how long I could handle my ordeal anymore. I thought I was going to lose it. I was anxious, scared, angry, sad and in pain all the emotions at the same time, it was too much! All I could do was pray. I never thought I survived that.

Nevertheless, I'm still blessed. God has given me light, something to hold on, during my darkest times and those are the people who extended their hands to me, giving all forms of help for me, I am forever grateful.
Now, I am feeling better and moving forward. Being strong is my only option right now. My kidneys may not heal but at least I can heal others by my story. And I believe, I am stronger than Kidney disease. I am a CKD Warrior!
"And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling."
-1 Corinthians 2
"After your season of suffering, God in all His grace will restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you." - 1 Peter 5:10” -Ms Cecile

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Friday, February 16, 2018

Symptoms To Expect When You Improve Your Diet


Excerpted From An Article By Dr. Stanley S. Bass, ND, D.C., PhD

Perhaps the greatest misunderstanding in the field of nutrition is the failure to understand and interpret the symptoms and changes which follow the beginning of a better nutritional program. A remarkable thing happens when a person improves the quality of the food he consumes. When the food you ingest is of a higher quality than the tissues from which the body is made, the body discards the lower quality tissues, to make room for the higher quality materials to make healthier tissue. During this process of regeneration, lasting about 10 days to several weeks, the emphasis is on breaking down and eliminating lower quality tissue. The vibrant energy often found in the external parts of the body, the muscles and skin, moves to vital internal organs and starts reconstruction. This movement of energy produces a feeling of less energy in the muscles, which the mind interprets as weakness. At this time, more rest and sleep is often needed, and it's imperative to avoid stimulants of any kind which will abort and defeat the regenerative process.

 Remember, the body isn't getting weaker, it's simply using it's energies in more important internal work rather than external work involving muscle movements. With patience and diligence, a person will soon feel more energy than before. By ingesting higher quality foods, the body begins a process called "retracing". The initial focus is on eliminatingwaste and toxins deposited in the tissues. However, the process creates symptoms that are often misinterpreted. For example, a person who stops consuming coffee or chocolate may experience headaches and a general let down. The body begins discarding toxins (caffeine or theobromin) by removing them from the tissues and transporting them through the bloodstream. However, before toxins are passed, through elimination, they register in our consciousness as pain, in other words, a headache. These same toxins also stimulate the heart to beat more rapidly, thus producing the feeling of exhilaration. The letdown is due to the slower action of the heart which produces a depressed mind state. The symptoms experienced during "retracing" are part of the healing process! They are not deficiencies. Do not treat them with stimulants or drugs. These symptoms are constructive, even though unpleasant at the moment. Don't try to cure the cure. The symptoms will vary according to the materials being discarded, the condition of the organs involved in the elimination, and the amount of available energy. They can include: headaches, fever/chills, colds, skin eruptions, constipation/diarrhea, frequent urination, fatigue/sluggishness, nervousness, irritability, depression. The symptoms will be milder and pass more quickly if one gets more rest and sleep. Understand that the body becomes healthier by eliminating wastes and toxins. Had they remained trapped in the tissues, eventually they would have brought illness and disease, thus causing greater pain and suffering. 

"The body is becoming healthier by eliminating toxins". Finally, don't expect to improve your diet and feel better and better every day, until you reach perfection. The body is cyclical in nature. Health returns in a series of gradually diminishing cycles. For example, you may begin eating better and start feeling better. After some time, you experience a symptom such as nausea or diarrhea. After a day, you feel even better than before and all goes well for a while. Then you suddenly develop a cold, the chills and lose your appetite. Without the use of drugs, you recover from these symptoms and suddenly you feel great. This well-being continues for a time until you break out in a rash. The rash flares up, but finally disappears, and suddenly you feel better than you've felt in years. As the body becomes pure, each reaction becomes milder and shorter in duration, followed by longer and longer periods of feeling better than ever before, until finally you reach a level plateau...vibrant health.
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